Terrarium Care

Terrarium Care Instructions:

The main comments I receive when speaking with people about terrariums are, "I am afraid I will take it home and kill it," or "I had one and killed it."

My response to those statements are, "Have confidence in yourself," and "Lose the guilt, you are not at fault."

Many terrariums purchased from Home Improvement type stores are already stressed and probably not in an optimal environment to begin with.

A TLC Floral Terrarium is specially made with five layers of ingredients to maintain a healthy ecosystem, thereby promoting your success and enjoyment of your miniature world.

Soon we will have complete care instructions posted here, but we will start with the basic globe terrarium.

Happy growing!


         Follow these simple instructions to enjoy your glass surrounded plant for many years.

1.    Air plants like air circulating. Never place an air plant in a closed terrarium.
2.    Mist your plant every 4-5 days with ONE spray for tiny globes, 2-3 sprays for globes 3-5 inches, more if the plant is in a large open globe. The key is to judge the drying time, the smaller the globe, the less circulation, the longer the plant will hold the moisture. If you over water the plant will rot and die. If it is in very dry conditions, it may need more water.
3.    NEVER use softened water, as the salt in softened water is detrimental to your air plant. Also, DO NOT use distilled water. Filtered water, tap water that has sat long enough for the chlorine to dissipate, and bottled water are all fine. Pond water, aquarium, or rain water are all preferred, but tap water is better than no water. 
4.    You can also remove your plant from the globe and soak it for 30 mins to an hour, shake lightly, allow it to almost completely dry, and replace in globe. Plants should be given enough light and air circulation to dry in no longer than 4 hours after watering. You can turn it upside down to dry.

5.    Bright filtered light is the general rule, and the higher the humidity of the air the higher light will be tolerated. Do not place your globes directly in front of a window where they get direct sun, as the glass will intensify the sunlight and possibly “cook” your plant/s. Indirect light is best and some will even grow in low to moderate light.

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